Blog - Discount Oil Brokers
Can heating oil spoil?

Will My Heating Oil Spoil?

July 15, 2020

Most people buy heating oil a few times a year, then store in a tank until they need to use it. The question is, how long can you store heating oil before it becomes harmful …

Three things you should do for your heating oil tank this summer

Heating Oil Tank Summer Care: 3 To-dos

June 8, 2020

Heating oil tanks are pretty simple devices, especially when compared to today’s high-tech home heating equipment. But they still do require at least some care and attention to run safely and reliably year after year. Here …

Why you should keep heating oil in your tank during the offseason

Keep Heating Oil In Your Tank During The Offseason

May 11, 2020

Despite the cool temperatures here in recent weeks, heating season is winding down in Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island – which means it’s important to prepare your heating oil tank for its well-earned time off. One of …

How do I keep from running out of heating oil?

How Do I Keep From Running Out Of Heating Oil?

April 13, 2020

In these unprecedented times, you’re probably spending a LOT more time at home than you normally do – which means it’s more than likely that you are using more heating oil than expected to keep …

carbon monoxide

Carbon Monoxide: Important Safety Reminders

March 16, 2020

Just about everyone in northern and central Rhode Island owns at least one appliance that burns fuel – a heating oil-fired furnace or boiler, for example – and if you do, that equipment produces exhaust fumes …

Save Money On Home Heating Oil This Winter: 8 Ways!

February 10, 2020

Winter heating bills can be a drag here in New England – but there are some smart things you can do around your home to take a bite out of heating oil delivery bills this …

Heating Oil Myths Debunked

January 27, 2020

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of heating oil? Come on, be honest… The truth is, despite having kept New Englanders warm for nearly a century, heating oil remains a misunderstood …

Does Heating Oil Spoil?

January 5, 2019

Many items we buy have an expiration date: milk, eggs, vegetables, bread, cosmetics, medication and so on. But does home heating oil also have a “best-used-by” date? It’s a question that may come up if you …