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life span of heating oil rhode island

Most people buy heating oil a few times a year, then store in a tank until they need to use it. The question is, how long can you store heating oil before it becomes harmful to use in your furnace or boiler?

The good news is that common No. 2 heating oil has a shelf life of somewhere between 18 and 24 months. That means you’re fine if you want to use fuel that’s left over from last season, or if you want to order heating oil now (while prices are near all-time lows) and use it next heating season.

Oil on the older side of that scale can still be used – it just burns less efficiently as it ages. There will come a time, however, when burning older oil will not generate enough heat to meet your furnace or boiler’s minimum requirement: when that happens, your heating system will shut off automatically, and you’ll need to call for service to get it up and running again.

Of course 18-24 months is simply an average shelf life for No. 2 heating oil; problems with water and bacteria (which break down fuel), a corroding storage tank, or the presence or absence of life-lengthening chemical additives in the fuel can push the scale up or down.

Having quality oil is always a good place to start – a big reason to buy your heating oil from Discount Oil Brokers.

The bottom line: if you get your heating oil from a reputable supplier (like us), maintain your heating oil tank, and aren’t waiting two years between heating oil deliveries, you should be fine.

Now is a great time to order heating oil, with heating oil prices at offseason lows. Contact us today to schedule a heating oil delivery, and remember: for quality heating oil in Northern and Central RI at the best prices around, nobody beats Discount Oil Brokers!

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heating oil tank maintenance massachusetts

Heating oil tanks are pretty simple devices, especially when compared to today’s high-tech home heating equipment. But they still do require at least some care and attention to run safely and reliably year after year.

Here are three things you should do sometime in the coming weeks to keep your oil storage tank working reliably well through the summer and into the next heating season.

Heating Oil Tank Ready For Summer Checklist

  1. Give it a once-over yourself. Visually inspect your tank for obvious signs of wear. Some suggestions:
    • Check the tank legs and make sure they are not missing, rusted, buckled or bent.
    • Make sure the leg brackets are not cracked or separating from the tank.
    • Check the platform of the tank to ensure it isn’t cracked or deformed.
    • Look for signs of rust.
    • Run your hands over the tank and connectors to detect warps, dents, weeping or wet spots.
  2. Get a professional inspection. The most thorough visual inspection won’t reveal what’s happening on the inside of your tank, but ultrasonic oil tank testing will. Look for professionals who offer this service: many steel tanks corrode from the inside out, often leaving few warning signs of a future leak or tank failure.
  3. Schedule a heating oil delivery. Why is it important to keep heating oil in your tank? Simple: in a tank that contains more air than fuel, condensation (water droplets) will accumulate on the tank’s interior walls as temperatures change. This condensation creates two big problems for your heating system: first, it encourages bacteria growth in your fuel, which will eventually transform your heating oil into a thick sludge that will jam your fuel lines and rob your system of efficiency. Second, accumulated moisture will eventually sink to the bottom of your steel oil tank (since water is heavier than oil) and corrode it from the inside out – a problem you won’t see coming until it’s too late.

Need a heating oil delivery in southeastern Massachusetts or Rhode Island? We can help. Contact Discount Oil Brokers today to schedule your heating oil delivery in RI and MA!

offseason heating oil tank rhode island

Despite the cool temperatures here in recent weeks, heating season is winding down in Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island – which means it’s important to prepare your heating oil tank for its well-earned time off.

One of the most important things you can do to get your tank (or any of your heating equipment) ready for the offseason (besides getting a heating system tune-up) is to make sure your oil storage tank is at least half-full.

Here’s why you don’t want an empty heating oil tank:

In the offseason, condensation is more likely to form inside an empty heating oil tank than inside of a tank that contains more fuel than air. The bacteria living in your heating oil LOVE the moist environment that this condensation creates; eventually, they will start to turn your heating oil into a thick sludge that can your jam fuel lines and burner nozzle.

Need a second reason to keep some heating oil along for the ride in the months to come? How about tank failure: the same condensation that led those bacteria to multiply in your heating oil can also sink to the bottom of your tank and corrode it from the inside out, eventually causing a leak that is difficult to see until it is too late. As you probably know, oil leaks can be extremely costly to remediate, especially if your tank is underground.

The bottom line: condensation build up in your oil tank is definitely something you want to avoid. When you order heating oil now and keep your tank at least half full during the offseason, you’ll be taking an important step to avoiding that problem altogether. You’ll probably also save some money, since heating oil prices are quite low right now and are often at their lowest point this time of year.

Need to top off your heating tank? We can help you with heating oil delivery in southeastern MA and RI. Contact us today to learn more, or to become a Discount Oil Brokers customer.

Please note: at Discount Oil Brokers, your safety and comfort are always our priority. Please see our COVID-19 Service Update Page to learn more about how we are working to keep you and our crews safe and your heating oil deliveries coming during this challenging time.

don't run out of heating oil rhode island

In these unprecedented times, you’re probably spending a LOT more time at home than you normally do – which means it’s more than likely that you are using more heating oil than expected to keep your family comfortable.

The question is – given all that’s happening right now – how do you avoid an unexpected heating oil runout that can compound the stress of social distancing?

4 Ways to keep from running out of heating oil

  • Allow extra time for your heating oil delivery – Don’t wait until the last minute to buy heating oil – you’re probably using it more quickly than you think, putting yourself at risk for a run-out. Rather than ordering when the tank is no less than one-quarter full, consider not allowing your heating oil tank to reach less than one-third full before placing your heating oil order. Remember: at Discount Oil Brokers, you can usually get your heating oil delivered between one and three days, depending on where you live.
  • Make sure we have your correct contact information – Make sure we have your current cell phone number and email address so that we have multiple ways to contact you; this way, you won’t miss a heating oil delivery that’s been scheduled. This is a fluid situation, and we are in uncharted waters – we will update our COVID-19 page to keep you apprised of any change in our services.
  • Keep your heating equipment properly maintained – Regular, professional heating maintenance from a reputable heating service technician will help keep your furnace or boiler running at peak efficiency, which means your equipment will use less fuel. Professional service will also help spot oil leaks, performance drop-offs, and other problems before that could lead to bigger problems down the road.

Stay on top of fuel management with reliable heating oil delivery from Discount Oil Brokers. Contact us today to learn more, or to become a Discount Oil Brokers customer.

carbon monoxide safety north central rhode island southeastern massachusettsJust about everyone in northern and central Rhode Island owns at least one appliance that burns fuel – a heating oil-fired furnace or boiler, for example – and if you do, that equipment produces exhaust fumes that could be dangerous under certain circumstances.

One of those exhaust gases is carbon monoxide (CO), and if it builds up in your home if could be hazardous– or even deadly.

Important CO safety facts:

  1. Carbon monoxide is produced when you burn gas, wood, oil, or any other fuel
  2. It is often called “The Silent Killer,” since a buildup of the colorless, odorless gas can cause illness, brain damage, or even death
  3. The most common cause of CO build-up are poor ventilation and faulty equipment, which can result from:
    • Equipment damage
    • A poorly maintained heating system
    • A blocked flue or vent
    • A backdraft near the heating appliance
    • Over-operation of unvented appliances
  4. Symptoms of CO poisoning worsen as exposure to the gas increases:
    • Mild cases can cause flu-like symptoms (headaches, nausea, and dizziness)
    • Moderate cases can cause severe headaches and disorientation
    • Extreme Cases can cause vomiting, loss of muscular coordination, and cardiac arrest
  5. If someone in your home is showing symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning,
    • Leave the house and get fresh air immediately.
    • Call 911 or your fire department (fire departments sometimes have a special number for CO emergencies – call yours to find out).
    • Visit your doctor
    • Have a professional inspect your equipment before you use it again.
  6. Install carbon monoxide alarms outside each sleeping area, on every level of the home. Replace the batteries at least once a year, and replace the unit every five years.
  7. Perform routine maintenance on any fuel-burning appliance every year; if you see soot anywhere on your furnace or boiler unit, call for service immediately.
  8. NEVER use outdoor equipment, such as a portable generator or grill, inside the house.
  9. Learn and teach everyone in your home about the signs and symptoms of CO poisoning and what to do if they experience them.

When you become a Discount Oil Brokers customer, you’ll get safe heating oil deliveries in RI every time, because your safety is always our #1 priority. Contact us today to learn more.

8 ways to save money on heating this winter North Central Rhode Island Southeastern MassachusettsWinter heating bills can be a drag here in New England – but there are some smart things you can do around your home to take a bite out of heating oil delivery bills this winter.

Who wouldn’t like to learn some energy-saving tips and tricks for your southeastern Massachusetts or northern Rhode Island home? You’ll be surprised at how simple it can be!

8 ways to save money on your heating this winter

  1. Weatherize your home – Did you know that you could lose as much as 15 percent of the air you paid to heat through cracks around your doors and windows? These cracks also let cold air in your house, which will mean burning more oil to keep you comfortable. Replace old weather-stripping and re-caulk windows and doorframes to ensure tight seals, and install inexpensive vinyl sweeps under doors to keep warm air in and cold air out.
  2. Keep vents clear – Airflow is a key to heating system efficiency (and therefor lower bills) – keep your vents clear of furniture, curtains, and other obstructions.
  3. Use your programmable thermostat – Use your thermostat properly and you could save as much as 10 percent on your heating bills, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.
  4. Take advantage of the sun – Open curtains and blinds during the day to let sun in – just remember to close them at night to keep that warm air in.
  5. Run your ceiling fan – A ceiling fan in winter? You bet! If your blades are running clockwise, they’ll push rising warm air back into your room. Most ceiling fans reverse with a simple switch; consult your owner’s manual for instructions.
  6. Bundle up – Every degree you lower your thermostat saves between one and three percent on your bill – which means dropping your thermostat from 72 degrees to 68 degrees could save you as much as 12 percent on your bills! Wear warm sweaters, sip hot tea, use flannel sheets – whatever it takes to stay warm while maintaining 68-degree average when people are home.
  7. Get professional heating service – An annual tune-up will keep your equipment running efficiently and reliably all winter long.
  8. Consider equipment upgrades – The efficiency of a 15-year-old oil furnace or boiler could dip as low as 60 percent – at least 25 to 30 percent less than a new model. That means that an upgrade could pay for itself in just a few years in fuel savings alone – even more if you consider the cost of inevitable heating repairs.

Want to save even more money on your heating oil bills? Become an Discount Oil Brokers customer. You’ll get the same quality heating oil and reliable heating oil deliveries that you get from other southeastern MA and northern RI oil suppliers at a fraction of the cost. Contact us today to learn more!

heating oil myths rhode islandWhat’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of heating oil? Come on, be honest…

The truth is, despite having kept New Englanders warm for nearly a century, heating oil remains a misunderstood fuel. In this post, we’ll attempt to set the record straight on heating oil, busting a few myths along the way so you can make an educated choice about the fuel you use for your southeastern Massachusetts or Rhode Island home.

Myth 1: Heating oil is dirty.

Fact: This may have been true 40 years ago, but today’s fuel oil burns more than 90 percent cleaner than it did then. In fact, today’s heating oil burns virtually soot free – one reason that oil heat emissions aren’t even regulated by the federal Clean Air Act.

Myth 2: Oil heat is a fire hazard.

Fact: If you dropped a lit match into a pool of heating oil, it would go out as if you had dropped it in water. The truth is that oil requires very specific conditions in order to burn: it must first be heated to a temperature of 140 degrees, then must be vaporized in controlled conditions. The story is quite different with natural gas or gasoline, which are volatile at room temperature.

Myth 3: Oil heat is inefficient.

Fact: While it is true that the efficiency of some oil-fired heating equipment is not as high as gas heating equipment, heating oil makes up the difference by outputting more heat per gallon than any other fuel – about 139,000 British thermal units (BTUs). In the end, the efficiency of heating oil is on par with or better than most other home heating fuels.

Myth 4: Heating oil is expensive.

Fact: Relative to inflation, home heating oil is cheaper now than it was in 1980. Although the oil market has its ups and downs, heating oil has remained an affordable source of home energy over the long haul.

Myth 5: Heating oil is becoming increasingly rare.

Fact: New oil deposits are being discovered every day, both here and abroad (including Canada – see Myth 6 below). The bottom line: we will not run out any time soon.

Myth 6: Most of the heating oil in the U.S. is from the Middle East.

Fact: More than one-third of the heating oil we use here is produced domestically. Of the remaining supply, Canada produces more of our oil than all Middle Eastern countries combined.

Could heating oil be right for your southeastern Massachusetts or Rhode Island home or business? Contact Discount Oil Brokers today and find out!

heating oilMany items we buy have an expiration date: milk, eggs, vegetables, bread, cosmetics, medication and so on. But does home heating oil also have a “best-used-by” date?

It’s a question that may come up if you looked at your fuel gauge when the heating season ended and noticed that plenty of heating oil remained in your tank. You may wonder if that fuel will still be good when you turn on your home heating system again in the fall.

No worries. No. 2 heating oil has a typical shelf life of about two years—a wide enough window to cover heating oil that you purchased during the previous heating season.

If your heating oil is getting close to that age—say, for example, if you own a vacation property or second home that you don’t use every year, or use only during the summer—you can still use the heating oil, although it probably won’t produce as much heat as “fresh” oil.

If the oil is so old that it can’t burn hot enough to reach your furnace’s minimum temperature range, your furnace will automatically shut off; if that happens, you will need to hire a professional to restart your system. If you know for certain that oil has been sitting in your tank for more than two years, it’s probably better to have your tank professionally drained and refilled.

Quality fuel treated with additives lasts longer

It’s important to keep in mind that two years is simply an average shelf life for No. 2 heating oil. Several factors can raise or lower that number, including:

  • the amount of bacteria in your heating oil
  • how much corrosion your tank has suffered
  • whether or not there are life-extending additives in your heating oil—you get this when you rely on Discount Oil Brokers for your fuel

Starting off with quality heating oil is a big help. That’s a big reason to continue getting top-quality treated heating oil from Discount Oil Brokers rather than an unknown discount supplier.

The bottom line: If you get your fuel from a qualified heating oil supplier, properly maintain your heating system, and haven’t left your heating oil sitting unused for years, you should be in good shape when it comes time to run your heating system again.

For dependable delivery of high-quality heating oil at the best prices, choose Discount Oil Brokers. Contact us today to schedule a delivery or to become a customer